Privacy Policy
When we need to get information from you, we will always specifically ask you to give it voluntarily to us through the forms of information gathering in the website. The obtained data through these forms will be added to the personal data file, of which BARCELONA UNION LEGAL, SLP (hereinafter UNION LEGAL) is responsible. UNION LEGAL will confidentially treat the data with the only purpose of offering the requested services, with all the legal and security guarantees that imposes the Organic Act 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection and the Act 34/2002, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
UNION LEGAL commits not to transfer, sell or share the data with a third party without your specific approval. Likewise, UNION LEGAL will cancel or correct the data if they are inexact, incomplete, unnecessary or irrelevant for its purpose, according to the Organic Act 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection.
The user will be able to revoke the given consent and exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and objection addressing this address to do so:
C/ ARIBAU, 205 1º - 08021 BARCELONA (SPAIN)
giving the proper identification and indicating visibly the specific right to be exercised.
UNION LEGAL adopts the security levels of data protection required by aforementioned Organic Act 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection. Nevertheless, UNION LEGAL does not assume any responsibility for the damages and prejudices resulting from the alterations that a third party could cause in the computer systems, electronic documents or the user’s files.
If the User chooses the option of leaving UNION LEGAL website through links to other websites that do not belong to UNION LEGAL, UNION LEGAL is not responsible for the privacy policies of the aforementioned web sites nor of any cookies that these might store in the User's computer.